
Darkest of Dreams - A cryptid horror anthology

Created by The Darkest of Dreams Anthology

A new fiction anthology exploring the mysterious, disturbing, & terrifying world of cryptozoology with tales by 14 mesmerizing authors.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

😻 Proofs Received - But we're not through the forest yet...
over 1 year ago – Tue, Apr 18, 2023 at 12:49:21 PM


To my surprise, I received the hardcover and paperback proofs yesterday -- that's only 8 days after inputting the order! 😱

They look beautiful, but there is a slight problem with both, which I'll have to sort out with the printer: the spines are slightly off. 

Here's a video to show you how gorgeous they are, but you'll also be able to see the spine issue in both.

I'm going to work with the printer and possibly the cover designer (although he did everything on his end correctly) to fix the spines, order the second set of proofs, and then we'll start sending these sweet babies out! 

What do you think of these physical copies? 😻 

Proofs have been ordered!
over 1 year ago – Sat, Apr 08, 2023 at 07:30:52 AM

My fiendish friends,

I have great news! The formatting, as terrorizing as it was, is now finished, and the proofs have been ordered! 

As soon as I receive them and ensure there are no printing errors/issues, I will send the hardcovers and paperbacks in batches to everyone who ordered them. Both editions have black-and-white art, but the hardcover has larger versions of the artwork. 

We'll be over the finish line in no time! For the hundredth time, thank you all so much for your support and patience.

I even had a few days to grieve with my family. It still comes in waves, but I find purpose in my work and am inspired by it. 

Status Report

Status Legend:

  • 🟢 The reward is completed and in your Backerkit, ready for you to claim
  • 🟡 The reward is in progress
  • 🟠 The reward is stalled or awaiting another step

Rewards Ready and Waiting for You

  • 🟢 Cryptid Club Invite: Sent - check the updates here on Kickstarter, and I've also distributed the link to your Backerkit
  • 🟢 DoD Anthology Spotify Playlist: check the updates here on Kickstarter, and I've also distributed the link to your Backerkit
  • 🟢 Darkest of Dreams eBook: Ready and waiting inside your Backerkit account 🥳
  • 🟢 Darkest of Dreams Digital Wallpaper Bundle: Ready and waiting inside your Backerkit account
  • 🟢 The Complete Sundown Series ebook Boxset by Courtney Konstantin: Ready and waiting in Backerkit for eligible pledge levels
  • 🟢 Stretch Goal 2 - Fence Rail Dog story by Russell Nohelty: Already completed and included in the anthology
  • 🟢 Stretch Goal 3 - Audio Commentary: Ready and waiting for you in Backerkit
  • 🟢 Stretch Goal 4 - Custom Wendigo Sticker and REJECTS ebook by Alyanna Poe: The eBook is ready and waiting for you in Backerkit; the sticker will be distributed after book proofs are ordered.
  • 🟢 Week 2 Bonuses - CLOWN audiobook by Rod A. Galindo and Hunting the Undead eBook by Tina Glasneck: Ready and waiting for you in Backerkit
  • 🟢 Week 3 Bonuses - Alone eBook with new cover by Courtney Konstantin and Burning Bright eBook by Nan Sampson: Ready and waiting for you in Backerkit
  • 🟢 Week 4 Bonuses - When I Wake From Dream eBook by M.T. Decker and Insanity eBook by Andre Gonzalez: Ready and waiting for you in Backerkit
  • 🟢 Individual Cryptid Wallpaper Bundles: Designed the trios, bundled, zipped, uploaded, distributed in Backerkit.
  • 🟢 Backer Credit: Completed - acknowledgments in paperback and hardcover
  • 🟢 B&W Art for Print Editions: Edited images to improve black-and-white printing quality, inserted into paperback and hardcover editions during formatting.

Rewards in Progress

  • 🟡 Darkest of Dreams paperback: Formatting completed, proof ordered
  • 🟡 Darkest of Dreams hardcover: Formatting completed, proof ordered
  • 🟡 Darkest of Dreams full-color PDF: Now in formatting
  • 🟡 Wendigo Pin: In production
  • 🟡 Cryptid Party Crashers Guide PDF: Our graphic designer is working to reduce the file size as it's currently gigantinormous.

Rewards in Queue
   As soon as I've finished formatting the paperback and hardcover editions in the new program and ordered the proofs, I will finish the following rewards and complete fulfillment and distribution. I'll keep you updated as these things ship out.

  • 🟠 Bookmarks - Most were completed before the end of the campaign, so this part will not take long once I'm back on it.
  • 🟠 Creepy Cryptid Sticker Set - ordering and fulfillment should be quick and easy on this part.
  • 🟠 DoD T-shirts for Master Summoners - awaiting custom art
  • 🟠 Stretch Goal 5 - Author Chat Logs: In formatting
  • 🟠 Stretch Goal 6 - Cryptid Hunter's Creature Files: In formatting
  • 🟠 Stretch Goal 7 - Additional Art Prints: Digital are awaiting upload and distribution to Backerkit; physical need sizing then ordering
  • 🟠 Week 1 Bonus A - Disappearance at Sleepy Creek audio edition by AK Hughey: Production
  • 🟠 Week 1 Bonus B - Immortal Blade eBook by MT Decker: Revisions
  • 🟠 Bonus 'Thank You for Your Patience' Surprise Gift: Production


As mentioned previously, My intention for April is to focus solely on getting all of these yellow and orange status items to green. Every. Single. One. 

Volume 2

Are you an author - or do you know one? We're accepting submissions for Darkest of Dreams Volume 2 until 31 May. Head HERE to read the submission requirements and submit your story. I'd love to see a Yowie or Mongolian Deathworm. ;) 

I hope you're all having a wonderful spring so far!

~ Audrey

Anthology Rewards Update
over 1 year ago – Sat, Mar 25, 2023 at 08:29:48 PM

Hello, my fiendish friends.

Quick update tonight to keep you appraised of the progress since last I wrote in February. 

Beyond my own battles with my health and trying to get my immune system back up to speed, a beloved member of my family had a sharp decline in health a few weeks ago and then passed away last Monday. This person has always been a crucial part of my life and influenced me greatly. I can't say anything now, not until all of our family and extended family are made aware first. 

And my poor mom had a heart attack, and they kept her in the hospital until they could get her under the knife again, on the same day my loved one passed.

When it rains, it pours, so they say. Hopefully, it won't rain frogs soon. 

Three days of nasty strep kicked my tail Tuesday through Friday morning, but I still managed to make some progress while continuing to fulfill only the most important commitments I'd already made to the writing community. 

Cryptid Wallpaper Bundles

Before the strep, I finished designing the trios of cryptid wallpaper, bundling them based on creature, zipping them, uploading all 18 zipped trios to Backerkit, and distributing them to all backers. Please check Backerkit to download yours. 

Physical Copy Formatting

I had to go back to the drawing board to get the custom art into the books and edit the photos to be suitable for black-and-white printing.  Here is a sample of how they'll look:

I'll be traveling 12 hours with four kids on Monday to mourn with my family and attend the funeral, so this week, one of our authors -- the fantastic Rod Galindo -- will take over getting these images into the paperback edition for me and finalizing that formatting. 

Status Report

Status Legend:

  • 🟢 The reward is completed and in your Backerkit, ready for you to claim
  • 🟡 The reward is in progress
  • 🟠 The reward is stalled or awaiting another step

 Rewards Ready and Waiting for You

  •  🟢 Cryptid Club Invite: Sent - check the updates here on Kickstarter, and I've also distributed the link to your Backerkit
  •  🟢 DoD Anthology Spotify Playlist: check the updates here on Kickstarter, and I've also distributed the link to your Backerkit
  •  🟢 Darkest of Dreams eBook: Ready and waiting inside your Backerkit account 🥳
  •  🟢 Darkest of Dreams Digital Wallpaper Bundle: Ready and waiting inside your Backerkit account
  •  🟢 The Complete Sundown Series ebook Boxset by Courtney Konstantin: Ready and waiting in Backerkit for eligible pledge levels
  •  🟢 Stretch Goal 2 - Fence Rail Dog story by Russell Nohelty: Already completed and included in the anthology
  •  🟢 Stretch Goal 3 - Audio Commentary: Ready and waiting for you in Backerkit
  •  🟢 Stretch Goal 4 - Custom Wendigo Sticker and REJECTS ebook by Alyanna Poe: The eBook is ready and waiting for you in Backerkit; the sticker will be distributed after book proofs are ordered.
  •  🟢 Week 2 Bonuses - CLOWN audiobook by Rod A. Galindo and Hunting the Undead eBook by Tina Glasneck: Ready and waiting for you in Backerkit
  •  🟢 Week 3 Bonuses - Alone eBook with new cover by Courtney Konstantin and Burning Bright eBook by Nan Sampson: Ready and waiting for you in Backerkit
  •  🟢 Week 4 Bonuses - When I Wake From Dream eBook by M.T. Decker and Insanity eBook by Andre Gonzalez: Ready and waiting for you in Backerkit
  •  🟢 Individual Cryptid Wallpaper Bundles: Designed the trios, bundled, zipped, uploaded, distributed in Backerkit.

 Rewards in Progress

  •  🟡 Darkest of Dreams paperback: Edit images to improve black-and-white printing quality
  •  🟡 Darkest of Dreams hardcover: In formatting, see above
  •  🟡 Darkest of Dreams full-color PDF: Formatting after ordering physical proofs
  •  🟡 Backer Credit: Part of the formatting process
  •  🟡 Wendigo Pin: In production
  •  🟡 Cryptid Party Crashers Guide PDF: Our graphic designer is working to reduce the file size as it's currently gigantinormous. 

Rewards in Queue
   As soon as I've finished formatting the paperback and hardcover editions in the new program and ordered the proofs, I will finish the following rewards and complete fulfillment and distribution. I'll keep you updated as these things ship out.

  •  🟠 Bookmarks - Most were completed before the end of the campaign, so this part will not take long once I'm back on it.
  • 🟠 Creepy Cryptid Sticker Set - ordering and fulfillment should be quick and easy on this part.
  • 🟠 DoD T-shirts for Master Summoners - awaiting custom art
  • 🟠 Stretch Goal 5 - Author Chat Logs: In formatting
  • 🟠 Stretch Goal 6 - Cryptid Hunter's Creature Files: In formatting
  • 🟠 Stretch Goal 7 - Additional Art Prints: Digital are awaiting upload and distribution to Backerkit; physical need sizing then ordering
  • 🟠 Week 1 Bonus A - Disappearance at Sleepy Creek audio edition by AK Hughey: Production
  • 🟠 Week 1 Bonus B - Immortal Blade eBook by MT Decker: Revisions
  • 🟠 Bonus 'Thank You for Your Patience' Surprise Gift: Production


My intention for April, after I return from mourning with my family, is to focus solely and getting all of these yellow and orange status items to green. Every. Single. One. Aside from caring for my 18-month-old and occasionally sleeping 😂, this will all be completed and shipped and delivered along with the bonus surprise gift.

Our Authors

J.R. Frontera

Many of our authors -- who obviously had more experience than I at getting things streamlined ahead of time 🤦‍♀️ -- have amazing things going on. 

J.R. Frontera, author of our Banshee story "Paid in Full," has only 5 days left in her campaign for a special illustrated hardcover edition of her SciFi Western book Bastard of Blessing. These books are SO **** good!

Not only did she and I connect over our mutual love for writing and RDR2, but then this woman actually hired Roger Clark, the voice of the game's main character Arthur Morgan. 😱

I have the audiobooks for this entire series, and they are incredible. His voice lends such an atmosphere to the story and characters, and his voice-acting ability is just mindblowing, of course. 

I met this lovely woman on a 20Books Vegas 2019 cosplay thread. She wanted to do something from Red Dead Redemption II but not alone, so I signed up to be (an all too pale) Sadie, and we kicked off our friendship outlaw style. 

Russell Nohelty
Russell is the author of our Fence Rail Dog story, "Don't Lose the Thread." He has a bunch of comics, novels, and Cthulu-themed projects, so you should definitely check him out. Speaking of which, he has a reprint campaign for Cthulu is Hard to Spell, Books 1-3, and an Ichabod Jones: Monster Hunter - Card Game project active right now!

Russ is excellent at delivering beautiful products (on time), and that's why he's my role model (even more than before) for improving the way I operate my campaigns.

Thank you all so much for your support and patience. Our authors are just as excited for you to receive the rest of your anthology rewards. 

I will make another update as soon as the next item is complete and/or moves farther along in the process. 

Your favorite zombie,


Status Update for Rewards
over 1 year ago – Fri, Feb 17, 2023 at 08:49:34 AM

Thank you all so much for your support and patience!

It means the world to all of us as we work through getting all of these rewards fulfilled. 

This update is meant to give you the status of the various projects so you have the greatest transparency about where things stand.

I intended for this to go out last night, but it took more time than I expected to compose.

Again, I can't apologize enough for the delays. This was a huge learning curve for me, but I will not give up, and I'll do everything possible to not let you down. I've set better systems in place so that Volume 2 will have EVERYTHING but the art (and possibly the audiobook) ready when the campaign ends Fall 2023.

Status Legend: 

  • 🟢 The reward is completed and in your Backerkit, ready for you to claim
  • 🟡 The reward is in progress
  • 🟠 The reward is stalled or awaiting another step

 Rewards Ready and Waiting for You

  •  🟢 Cryptid Club Invite: Sent - check the updates here on Kickstarter, and I've also distributed the link to your Backerkit
  •  🟢 DoD Anthology Spotify Playlist: check the updates here on Kickstarter, and I've also distributed the link to your Backerkit
  •  🟢 Darkest of Dreams eBook: Ready and waiting inside your Backerkit account 🥳 
  •  🟢 Darkest of Dreams Digital Wallpaper Bundle: Ready and waiting inside your Backerkit account
  •  🟢 The Complete Sundown Series ebook Boxset by Courtney Konstantin: Ready and waiting in Backerkit for eligible pledge levels
  •  🟢 Stretch Goal 2 - Fence Rail Dog story by Russell Nohelty: Already completed and included in the anthology
  •  🟢 Stretch Goal 3 - Audio Commentary: Ready and waiting for you in Backerkit
  •  🟢 Stretch Goal 4 - Custom Wendigo Sticker and REJECTS ebook by Alyanna Poe: The eBook is ready and waiting for you in Backerkit; the sticker will be distributed after book proofs are ordered.
  •  🟢 Week 2 Bonuses - CLOWN audiobook by Rod A. Galindo and Hunting the Undead eBook by Tina Glasneck: Ready and waiting for you in Backerkit
  •  🟢 Week 3 Bonuses - Alone eBook with new cover by Courtney Konstantin and Burning Bright eBook by Nan Sampson: Ready and waiting for you in Backerkit
  •  🟢 Week 4 Bonuses - When I Wake From Dream eBook by M.T. Decker and Insanity eBook by Andre Gonzalez: Ready and waiting for you in Backerkit

Rewards in Progress

  •  🟡 Darkest of Dreams paperback: In formatting. I had to change the program I used for book formatting because the final files were coming out wacky, and I wasn't going to waste proofs when I knew it wasn't right.
  •  🟡 Darkest of Dreams hardcover: In formatting, see above
  •  🟡 Darkest of Dreams full-color PDF: Formatting
  •  🟡 Backer Credit: Part of the formatting process
  •  🟡 Wendigo Pin: In production
  •  🟡 Cryptid Party Crashers Guide PDF: In formatting by a new graphic designer. I'm meeting with her this afternoon to review and approve the final version
  •  🟡 Individual Cryptid Wallpaper Bundles: Designing with the received art after I get proofs ordered

Rewards in Queue

As soon as I've finished formatting the paperback and hardcover editions in the new program and ordered the proofs, I will finish the following rewards and complete fulfillment and distribution. I'll keep you updated as these things ship out.

  • 🟠 Bookmarks - Most were completed before the end of the campaign, so this part will not take long once I'm back on it. 
  • 🟠 Creepy Cryptid Sticker Set - ordering and fulfillment should be quick and easy on this part. 
  • 🟠 DoD T-shirts for Master Summoners - awaiting custom art
  • 🟠 Stretch Goal 1 - Individual Cryptid Wallpaper Bundles: Designing with the received art after I get proofs ordered
  • 🟠 Stretch Goal 5 - Author Chat Logs: In formatting 
  • 🟠 Stretch Goal 6 - Cryptid Hunter's Creature Files: In formatting
  • 🟠 Stretch Goal 7 - Additional Art Prints: Digital are awaiting upload and distribution to Backerkit; physical need sizing then ordering
  • 🟠 Week 1 Bonus A - Disappearance at Sleepy Creek audio edition by AK Hughey: In production 
  • 🟠 Week 1 Bonus B - Immortal Blade eBook by MT Decker: In editing
  • 🟠 Bonus 'Thank You for Your Patience' Surprise Gift: In production

What's Next

Aside from reviewing and approving the Cryptid Party Crasher's Guide today 🤞, my top priority is finishing the (re)formatting of the hardcover and paperback editions so I can order the proofs. Proofs don't come as quickly as an Amazon Prime shipment (sometimes) does, and we aren't using Amazon to print these. I'll keep you updated on this as things happen. 

I apologize for the length between updates, but when you're neck-deep in the work, it's tough to come up for air and report. Your comments and messages are great reminders though, so thank you for taking time to come over and say that you're still excited to receive your goods. I can't wait until you have everything in hand.

In the meantime, check out the awesome graphic designer helping me with formatting the Cryptid Party Crasher's Guide!

Nydia Pastoriza is a graphic designer with experience as a creative director and marketing manager for international brands. She is also an author, and she'll even design book covers when she's not writing or editing her own novels. 

Another Volume?

Yes, I will be preparing another volume. Don't worry! I will NOT allow it to interfere with my work on fulfillment.

How will the next campaign be better? Frankly, I'm going to hire more specialists. Many of the anthology's authors contributed their time, skills, and talent to this endeavor, but not everyone could commit to helping put things together, and that's okay. My focus was on making a kickass fiction anthology on cryptids ✅ and on paying the participating authors as much as I could -- which meant I took on way more work for myself. I assure you, I've learned my lesson. It's a massive thing to organize, nonetheless try to do most of the pieces to excellence on your own. I will continue to organize, manage, and curate the best stories, but I will hire out formatting for all of the editions and extra goodies next time.

Everything WILL be delivered on schedule this fall, and not be months behind. That hurts, and I hate how it feels, on top of exacerbated health issues. <-- but I'm not here to give excuses. Only to say that I've learned important lessons about how to do this better, and I absolutely will now that I know the extent of the work.

That being said, if you or someone you know is a horror author and you would like to have a story considered for Volume 2 of the anthology, head HERE to read the submission requirements. The deadline is May 31st (because volume 2 will be formatted in all 3 editions by the end of July).

Back to Work

Alright, I'm going to get back to work on this. My birthday is this weekend, so I'm probably going to have a day just to refill my creative well by playing Skyrim (with the new Anniversary update) or RDO and hang out with my family. Aside from a few annual events and appointments to deal with my medical issues, the vast majority of my time will be dedicated to finishing this formatting and getting the remaining goods (both physical and digital) out to you so you can hold them and squeeze them and love them in all their terrifying awesomeness. 🤣  I think I need more sleep 

Again, thank you so much for your support and patience.

You rock!

~ Audrey

Rewards Updates
over 1 year ago – Sun, Jan 22, 2023 at 05:20:46 PM


Digital Rewards

Hopefully, you're already enjoying your ebook edition of the Darkest of Dreams Anthology!

As for the additional digital rewards, they are in progress, but all digital art prints should be coming this week.

Physical Copies

I'm aiming to finalize the paperback and hardcover formatting this week so I can order the proofs. As soon as I receive the proofs and ensure they're top-notch, I'll approve them and begin ordering and shipping. 

* Art prints, stickers, and pins will ship separately from the books.

Thank you!

Thank you so much for your patience and understanding. I've learned so much about timelines for wrapping stories, production, and working through delays in this project, and I'm taking dedicated, detailed notes on every aspect. I want to be that backers of our Volume 2 campaign won't have to experience these delays in the delivery of all the goods in the future. 

You might be interested...

In the meantime, you might like this campaign from Daniel and Laura Martone, Azazel the Zombie Slayer

This series of short stories--and the limited companion tarot card deck--features a snarky, zombie-killing cat!

Check it out now, as all the campaign-exclusive goodies will be locked down when it ends in 4 days! 😱

There are an abundance of physical and digital rewards, including both stories and illustrations. 🧟‍♀️   

Wanna see life through the eyes of a zombie-slaying cat? Or explore tarot amid the fiends and felines of the Big Easy?